Voy a hacer una fuerte revisión del mismo, porque he detectado que consume mucha memoria RAM y ralentiza mucho el sistema junto con el navegador. Así que, detallo a continuación lo que expongo:
Show full image previews when hovering your mouse over pictures
Hide "Trending Articles" and "Trending Videos"
Disable the "Lightbox" (aka "Theater") photo viewer popup
Automatically move posts from Applications (games) into their own tabs
Change font size to px for posts and px for comments
Auto-remove Recent Activity posts from my profile
Fix "Enter" key behavior to be a newline when adding comments, rather than submit
Lock the blue header bar at the top even if the screen is small
Force the news feed to switch to "Recent Stories First" if available. (Show message when switched)
Add "Reply" links to comments and float the reply box up to the comment. Tag users when replying to them.
Auto-click "Older Posts" times to get more posts
Automatically expand "SHOW X SIMILAR POSTS" links
Change profile images in Chat conversation windows to friend names (not in left column)
Enable Social Fixer to run when playing games or using apps on apps.facebook.com
Hide the "ticker" feed of friends' activity
Left Column
Lock the left column in place
Add quick links to left navigation:
All Connections
Write A Note
Pages I Admin
Unblock Applications
Hide :
Groups ( Create Group)
My name and picture
Auto-expand left panel sections:
All friend groups
Add Quick-Link Boxes:
"My Pages"
"My Events"
"My Groups"
"My Apps"
Center Column
Display the "Control Panel" at the top and Float it down the page as you scroll

<--- Stretch the layout to full screen width --->
Right Column
Hide the "ticker" feed of friends' activity
Hide the Game icon sidebar
Hide friends' real-time Game activity
Scroll the ticker down with the page rather than keeping it static
Unlock the right column so it scrolls with the page
Hide these boxes (click the X to unhide):
Friend Tracker (Unfriend Notifier)
Tips of the Day
Refresh every hour(s)
Show Post Action Icons on each post.
Post Action Icons: Hide until hover / Opacity= / Zoom=%
Find Friends
Turn off the chat sidebar on the far right (if it exists) and go back to popup chat list
Post Action Icons: Hide until hover / Opacity= / Zoom=%
Post Info
Google It
Save For Later
Add App
Mark Unread
Mark Read
Fix timestamps to show actual date/time ("one hour ago" becomes "12:34am (one hour ago)")
Hide "Sponsored" stories from your news feed
Hide duplicate stories in the news feed
Hide the "Top Story" triangle indicators in the upper left of posts
Automatically click the "Not Spam" link on comments marked as SPAM
Fix the missing cursor problem in comment boxes
Fix the line wrap problem in comments as you type past the end of line
Disable Facebook's auto-loading of more posts as you scroll down
When clicking a link in an application post, open in a new browser tab/window and automatically mark the story as read
Automatically mark a post as "read" after commenting on it
Auto-expand collapsed comment threads on posts by Pages so all comments are visible
Put expanded "similar" posts in proper chronological order after expanding
Process posts on Profiles and Pages, add control panel, and allow Mark As Read
(But don't hide read posts on pages/profiles)
Process posts on Group Walls, add control panel, and allow Mark As Read
Add post icons to "Recent Activity" posts so they can be marked read individually
Auto-expand "see more" links in posts and comments to show the full content
Hide new notification of comments ( always) or when there are more than comments
%hide_old_comments% Hide old (read) comments when new comments are found on a post
Map Ctrl+z to "undo"
Prevent external link redirection
Fix "Social News" links to open directly to the story URL
Add a "remove all activity" link to RECENT ACTIVITY blocks
Auto-Remove Types:
Wall posts
Status comments
Photo comments
Link comments
"Liking" a Page
Adding a friend
Relationship changes
Show message for seconds when successful
( Erase removed items rather than cross them out)
Pin the notifications panel to the right sidebar or the far right
Show previews when hovering over notification list items
Show post count in tabs
Left align the page rather than center
Reload automatically when Mark All Read is clicked
Hide the "Please update your email address" box that appears repeatedly
Hide profile pictures in the notification list
Hide information popup when hovering over user name links
Show the Timeline Option panel in the upper left on Timeline pages
Display posts in a single column with max width px
Change the background color to white
Hide cover photos
Hide the "Friends" box
Hide maps of check-ins
Hidden Items:
Some sections of the page may be hidden by hovering over them, and
clicking on the "x" that appears. You can unhide sections by removing
them from the list here.
Hidden Page Elements
Page Elements With "x" Removed
Turn off the chat sidebar on the far right (if it exists) and go back to popup chat list
Show all online friends in chat list
Hide "mobile" users from the chat list
Group friends by online status (active on top, idle below)
Hide the "View Timeline" button shown when hovering over friends in Chat
Use compact chat list (no thumbnail images)
Automatically force chat logout on every page load
Hide the chat dock entirely (if you are logged in, this will NOT log you out!)
No tocar.
Dejarlo todo como está.
Advanced (este es muy importante):
Auto-subscribe and favorite the "Social Fixer News" list
Enable console debug logging
"Older Posts" selector:
Notification preview Image max-width: max-height:
Show "Refresh the page" alert after saving Options
Clean out data for individual posts after days (per post) to save space in preferences
Show changes after installing a new version
Check for updates to Social Fixer every hours
Check for important Social Fixer messages every minutes
Show the Help message for new posts on the Social Fixer Page
Allow posts by Social Fixer to retain html formatting
Reorder posts that are tabbed to force chronological order in tabs
Pause for ms between clicks when expanding "Similar Posts" links
Wait for seconds before showing thumbnail previews on hover
When Notifications are pinned to the right side, force it to be wide (ex:200px)
Floating control panel opacity: / Manual offset: px
Fix navigation on the upper left logo and "News Feed" links to go to
Enable collapse/expand of boxes in right panel by clicking their headers
Hide right column panels:
Hide these page sections:
Hide the "x" option from these page sections:
My Pages: Open in a new window | px high in position
My Events Open in a new window | px high in position
My Groups: Open in a new window | px high in position
My Apps: Open in a new window | px high in position
Show Friend Tracker message when there is no activity
Show the Learn More note when Friend Tracker finds an unfriend
Show unfriends in Friend Tracker for days
Show control panel buttons: Mark All Read
Toggle Hidden Posts
Mute All
When Replying to messages, fix tabbing so Tab->Enter will Reply
Highlight the Social Fixer News "unread message count" counter in red
Lo demás, lo dejamos tal cual...¡NO HA DE FALLAR!...
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